Professional maxsus oyna ishlab chiqaruvchisi, Hammom oynasi yetkazib beruvchi

+86-19106367755 [email protected]

Temir oyna/Ramka materiali bo'yicha/Qora oyna/Arch Mirror/Dekorativ oyna/

Keng oyna paneli Qora oyna, Temir ramkali oyna

  • Umumiy koʻrinish
So'rov yuborish

Farmhouse window mirror with Window Frame,rustic and antique finish is distressed for a distinct nod to traditional farmhouse flair, for an artful and distinctive look in your space

Keng oyna paneli Qora oyna Window Pane Mirror

Mantle mirror black with full matel frame,Moisture-proof and Rust-proof treatment,Strong and durable,HD 4mm glass 1:1 restoration of real image, no distortion, fast dispersion of fog and corrosion resistant and not easy to oxidize. Easy to you a different texture



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