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Noto'g'ri devor oynasi, Bulut shaklidagi qora assimetrik oyna

  • Umumiy koʻrinish
So'rov yuborish

Noto'g'ri devor oynasi – Wall Mirrors Decorative 20x36Black Asymmetrical Mirror Aviation Aluminum Alloy Frame for Bathroom, Yotoq xonasi, Mehmonxona, Kiyinish xonasi, Kirish yo'li
Asymmetrical Design: These wall mirrors have shaped designs has unique lines, which can improve the beauty and art of space, suitable for the living room, yotoqxona, koridor, and dressing room.
Noto'g'ri devor oynasi
Explosion-proof Packaging: Our wall-mounted mirrors are specially designed with explosion-proof packaging to solve the problem of damage in-depth, Even if it is accidentally damaged by an external force, the wall mirror decorative fragments will not splash around so that you can buy with confidence without taking additional risks!
Two-Way Hanging: Our bathroom mirror includes 3 hooks on the frame for vertical or horizontal hanging, only need to punch the hole in the wall for installation.
Bulut shaklidagi qora assimetrik oyna
Exquisite Frame: Our small mirror for the wall is made of a sturdy solid stainless steel grain frame, the surface of the frame is smooth, colorfast, has no odor, is safe, and environmentally friendly, the corrosion-resistant frame material gives traditional wall mirrors a more refined shape and longer life.
HD Mirror Reflection: This vanity mirror for wall decor use the upgraded anti-oxidation 4MM HD mirror to ensures the durable and clear reflection.



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